in the canteen until bout seven. I'm glad I'm more settled : )

Here a pic to make yr day, please ah dont come play the stealing game.
AWWWWWWW. I bet you must be thinking SO CUTEEEEEE right?
Please, Lyds crack me up at times. Just read the following, I almost died laughing.
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
pukes pukes!
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
someone sent me a smile on friendster
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
and said this
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
you hv got gorgeous eyes sweets....
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
the guy is like HOW OLD
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
like 38!?!?!?!?!?
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
please arh
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
i'll be interested if he's like 16 or 17
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
and effing hot!
life couldnt be better with you=))))) says:
Realise Lyds is the only one talking and whoever that person is, THANKS. I owe you one. I'm sure Lyds is all happy and smiling now. HAHA. Bye, I'm off for art. Ms Ho sent some pictures of what she wore to school today, it's freaking hilarious. ALL THE MS HOs are mad. Inclusive of Lyds! Whahaha, shes gonna kill me when she reads this btw.
I can't help you fix yourself
But at least I can say I tried
I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life
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